Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.
Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.
Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.
Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.
We believe that information is an organization’s most valuable asset. And we’ve always felt this way – even way back in 1943 when this association was founded as the National Micrographics Association we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.
Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.